Tuesday, 26 March 2013

"It's very Maurice Sendak if you will"

I have already posted about this review of my book, I wish there were dinosaurs, which I first came across on Goodreads. However I recently came across the full version on a blog with the lovely whimsical name of 'Giraffe days'. The description of this blog is "When you feel like sticking your neck out and reading something new". Shannon, the creator of this blog, writes about all sorts of different book genres, including the picture books that she shares with her young son.

As a new author, I am always thrilled to read complimentary views about my book. And even more thrilled to be compared to Maurice Sendak, creator of possibly the best picture book of all time, Where the wild things are:

I can imagine a child would really enjoy that blurring of reality and fantasy. It’s very Maurice Sendak, if you will.

Thank you, Shannon for your high praise. As author of the text of the book, however, I certainly can't take all the credit. Illustrator Christina Booth brought my words to life. A picture book is a very special fusion of language and images.

You can read the whole post by following the link below.


The blogging world is an amazing magical maze to explore, following links which connect like an infinite spider's web (hence the term world-wide web I guess). I spend many a fascinating evening following the threads through the children's literature blogging maze, never knowing what new treasures I might find. Giraffe Days is one of those treasures. And the exciting thing is, I know there are so many more treasures still to be discovered.

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